
Japanese slang


Hello there!! In this article, I'm going to introduce the best video streaming service in Japan! The most famous video streaming services would be "NETFLIX", "Amazon Prime", "HULU", etc. But those services don't have that many Japanese TV shows and animes, and the shows they have are quite boring, to be honest. And especially for Japanese learners, it is important to watch TV shows and animes as much as you can to improve your language skills. But quite frankly, they are not fun to watch. If you feel this way, there is the best streaming service for you which is "U─NEXT", one of the most famous streaming websites in Japan!!
Japanese dating

Japanese Dating Site For Foreigners

Hello there! This site is for everyone who is looking for some hookups or one night stands in Japan. Not only guys but also girls are looking for them as well. Women also want to hook up or just have sex without getting into any relationships like guys want. And I'm sure there are plenty of women and men more than you imagine on the websites. Also, most importantly they are free to register and also you can get free points, so if you're lucky, you can get laid for free!!
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