How I became a playboy in Japan? Let me tell you how it’s done!

Hello there! In this article, I’m going to tell you how I ended up being considered a fuckboy in Japan. If you follow what I did, you might be able to be a fuckboy or playboy!

Let me tell you about myself first. I’m a Japanese guy who looks just normal and nothing special. I’m not ugly but not super handsome either. But I like hanging out with girls and I’ve always wanted to hang out with a bunch of girls and play around. It’s like every guy’s fantasy, right? When I was thinking about how to make it happen, I realized that I need to get used to talking to girls more. You know, when you imagine “players”, they are always good at talking to girls. Have you ever watched the movie “Crazy Stupid Love”? In that movie, a normal lame old dude was taught how to be a player by a great player. And in the end, he was so good at talking and he hooked up with so many girls as he wants. So I decided to take the same way.

To practice talking to girls I decided to use dating websites. Because in Japan, dating websites are way better than dating app. You’d be able to meet girls more often than Tinder or Bumble.

Here are the websites I used! Check them out!!

Second, I studied about Japanese girls. Understanding girls is necessary to hook up with them. Also, Japanese girls could be complicated sometimes.Here are what I learned.

  1. don’t flirt too much

Generally, Japanese people are considered as shy people and I totally agree with that. So When you talk to Japanese girls, you don’t want to flirt on them too much. Be subtle.

I think this is the key. If you flirt on them too much, they would think you’re just trying to hook you up or something. So you better be subtle first. You need to see if she is fine with your flirtation.

2.Japanese girls like to be asked to go out

Japanese girls are shy. But it doesn’t mean they don’t like to be asked to go out. They actually like it. Sometimes they are too shy to ask guys out. In Japan, asking someone to go out is a guy’s job. For example, in Japanese matching apps (like tinder) guys have to make the first move first. So when you find a girl you want to go out with, don’t hesitate. Just ask her out.

3. They tend to be High Maintenance

In my experience, Japanese girls are way more high maintenance and control compared to other country’s girls. It means it’s a little hard to have just a “one-night stand”. You may have to text the girl a lot before going out. And after having sex with them, they might control you and you’d be stuck with them. So you better see if she’s really fine with just hooking up or you’d get in trouble.

The last thing I can say to you to be a “playboy” is just get yourself out there!!

Hope this helps, I’ll see you guys in the next article!


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