The 4 rules you should know before going to prostitution in Japan!

Japanese dating

Hello there! Today I’m going to be talking about the rules of prostitution in Japan. As you might already know, prostitution is legal in Japan. It’s the thing for guys to go to prostitution after drinking with friends. And it’s not a shameful thing to go to prostitution like it is in the U.S.. But there are a couple of rules you should know before you go there. Let’s get into it!!

1. It’s illegal to have sex with prostitutions

Firstly, it’s illegal to have sex with them. In my experience, some prostitutes are wine with hooking up, but you should know that is illegal! I’ve actually had sex with them but not every prostitute. If you want to hook up, you can ask the girls but if they said “no”, the answer is “NO”. If you tried to push it through, you might get into some trouble. Actually, this thing happens a lot, and a lot of guys got sued or got threatened by the “Yakuza”. You don’t want that. Just ask girls, if they are okay with “having sex”.

2. Don’t try to see the girls outside

When you go to prostitute, sometimes you get really like her or have interrests in her. But I’d not recommend to meet them or aske them to go on a date. When they wait on you, you are just customer for the girls. They don’t want anything more. The fact is they are there to get money not boyfriend. So try to avoid to be attached with her. And if they feel uncomfotable with you asking her out, they might think you are stalker or something. And the worst situation is they might rat on you to the police and you’d get in trouble. So keep that in your mind!

By the way, if you are looking for just hooking up, there is anothe option for you. That is ONLINE DATING WEBSITES. In Japan, you see a lot of online dating websites. And a lot of guys use them instead of going to prostitution. The reason is it’s way cheaper!! And you’d unlikely get in trouble with that. I personaly used the websites and hooked up for free so many times. Here are some recommendation for you! They are all free to register so why don’t you try out??

  1. PC MAX

PC Max has more than 15 million users and it was introduced on TV before. It’s known as one of the biggest and best online dating websites in Japan. Also, it has ads on women’s magazines so they have a lot of women users. I personally used this site and made a couple of fuck buddies.

  • Who is PC MAX for??
    • People looking for hook ups, not serious relationship
    • People just want to get laid
    • People looking for safe websites

If you match these lists, PC MAX is the thing you’re looking for!! Just visit the website and have fun!


2. Happy mail

Happy mail is the biggest online dating website in Japan. It has more than 25 million people on the website!!! So it means you get more chances to meet girls than on any other website! Happy mail has a lot of functions like “pure bulletin board” and “adult bulletin board”. The pure one is for people who are looking for someone to drink with and the adult one is for someone who is looking for hookups. So you can take advantage of these functions with your purpose.

  • Who is Happy mail for??
    • People who are looking for not only hookups but also friends
    • Women who is in 20s men who is in around 30s
    • People who want to get a lot of chances

If you match these lists, Happy mail is the thing you’re looking for!! Just visit the website and register for free!

Happy Mail

3. DON’T take videos and photos

There is no place you’d be able to take video or photos with your prostitutes. If they find out you are doing such a thing, I’m sure you’d get into huge problems. Even if you are close with the girl, that’s illegal so don’t do that.

4. Watch out for STDs

I guess this the thing you should be really careful with. In Tokyo and Fukuoka, there are a lot of prostitutes who have some STDs. The head of the prefecture state the emergency before. So, if you go prostitution and heve sex with them, you better put condom on. Sometimes the prostitutes don’t have condom around, so you should have it with you.

So that’s about it! Going prostitution is really fun thing to do, but there are rules you need to know. I hope you learned something here and have fun there!

But, I want you to know, finding someone to hook up on online dating websites is much better than going to prostitution. They are free to register and you’ll get points for free!! What are you waiting for??


YYC is the website for people who are “just” looking for hookups, only “hookups”. You can’t expect to get a serious girlfriend here. The women here are just looking for someone fuck with not relationship material. The unique point of this one is you can register free but the points are slightly more expensive than other websites. But it means there are fewer men users, so it’s likely to get laid easily here.Who is YYC for??

  • Who is YYC for??
    • Just looking for “hookups”
    • People who don’t care about the cost that much
    • People who want to find in less competitive website
  • If you just want to get laid just go for this site!!!!

Thank you for reading this article!! For more article share this article!! See you guys soon!!



まず、彼らとセックスすることは違法です。私の経験では、一部の売春婦はフックアップしたワインですが、それは違法であることを知っておく必要があります!私は実際に彼らとセックスをしましたが、すべての売春婦ではありません。フックアップしたい場合は、女の子に尋ねることができますが、彼らが「いいえ」と言った場合、答えは「いいえ」です。それを押し通そうとすると、問題が発生する可能性があります。実はこういうことはよくあることで、「ヤクザ」に訴えられたり脅されたりする人も少なくありません。あなたはそれを望まない。 「セックス」で大丈夫かどうか、女の子に聞いてみてください。




PC Maxのユーザー数は1500万人を超え、以前はテレビで紹介されていました。日本で最大かつ最高のオンライン出会い系サイトの1つとして知られています。また、女性誌にも広告が掲載されているため、女性ユーザーが多い。私は個人的にこのサイトを使用して、2、3の性交仲間を作りました。

PC MAXは誰のためのものですか?














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